Scripture: Job 6:24-25
“Teach me, and I will be quiet;
show me where I have been wrong.
How painful are honest words!
But what do your arguments prove?"
Observation: (This post continues the theme of the previous day's post.) Job is reacting to Eliphaz words in the previous two chapters. Eliphaz's theme was the idea that good people get rewarded by God while bad people get punished. So Job and his children must have done something bad or all this bad stuff would not have happened.
This ticks off Job. He tells Eliphaz that the general nature of his points is worthless. He wants Eliphaz to get specific. Give concrete examples: "show me where I have been wrong."
And Job commits himself to being teachable, if -- and this is an important if -- Eliphaz can give him those specific places where Job has been wrong. "Teach me and I will be quiet."
But as the discussions continue, the specific examples Job is requesting are nowhere to be found, but platitudes about.
Application: It is easy to spout platitudes and generalities. While most of these commonly believed sayings have some truth at the root of them, they have plenty of exceptions, and some are even flat-out wrong. When giving criticism or correction, it is important to give actual examples. This provides a handle for the person to know what it is that you are talking about and what to do to improve.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for faithfully recording these events so we can learn how to better communicate your truth to those needing guidance. Help your people to become great communicators and comforters.