Today’s Reading: Judges 9; Judges 10; Psalm 49; 1 Corinthians 16
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 16:13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
Observation: This phrase, "be men of courage," grabbed my eye. I think how few people truly act out of courage. There is a lot of cowering that goes on as people, even good people, don't want to draw attention to themselves or don't want to raise a stir, so we just let things go.
Application: There are three other things in this verse and I think that they are all connected. That is I don't think a person can truly be a man of courage without also, being on guard, standing firm in the faith, and being strong -- all as intentional parts of life. I want to do all this and be a man of courage.
Prayer: Lord, help me to stand firm in the faith, to be on guard, to be strong, and to be a man of courage in all I do and say.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Welcome! I want to share my daily devotional journal with you. I follow a Bible reading plan you can access online by clicking on the "Today's Bible Reading" link below. Each day I take a portion from the reading, make an observation, write an application, and offer a prayer. I invite you to read and comment as you would like and even post your own devotional thoughts. Join with me and let's use this blog as a tool to stimulate discipline and dedication to God's word and prayer.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
Title: All For Naught? / Topic: Results
Today’s Reading: Judges 8; Psalm 42; 1 Corinthians 15
Scripture: Judges 8:33-35
33 No sooner had Gideon died than the Israelites again prostituted themselves to the Baals. They set up Baal-Berith as their god and 34 did not remember the LORD their God, who had rescued them from the hands of all their enemies on every side. 35 They also failed to show kindness to the family of Jerub-Baal (that is, Gideon) for all the good things he had done for them.
Observation: Gideon won a great victory for his people. And he put up with a lot of grief for them and from them. This entire chapter is filled with Gideon's troubles. But the verses above show that the people did not appreciate what Gideon had done. They went back to their sinful ways as soon as he died. Their lack of gratitude for what he had done for them while he was alive just rolled right into full on rebellion after he died.
Application: You just have to do the right thing and not worry about the results. Gideon did what he did to help his people, whether or not they appreciated it. I want to be a man who loves people whether or not they appreciate it.
Prayer: Lord, I am grateful for the call You have placed on my life. I want to be like You, reaching out in love and truth to everyone I can. Help me to be a faithful communicator of Your message.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Judges 8:33-35
33 No sooner had Gideon died than the Israelites again prostituted themselves to the Baals. They set up Baal-Berith as their god and 34 did not remember the LORD their God, who had rescued them from the hands of all their enemies on every side. 35 They also failed to show kindness to the family of Jerub-Baal (that is, Gideon) for all the good things he had done for them.
Observation: Gideon won a great victory for his people. And he put up with a lot of grief for them and from them. This entire chapter is filled with Gideon's troubles. But the verses above show that the people did not appreciate what Gideon had done. They went back to their sinful ways as soon as he died. Their lack of gratitude for what he had done for them while he was alive just rolled right into full on rebellion after he died.
Application: You just have to do the right thing and not worry about the results. Gideon did what he did to help his people, whether or not they appreciated it. I want to be a man who loves people whether or not they appreciate it.
Prayer: Lord, I am grateful for the call You have placed on my life. I want to be like You, reaching out in love and truth to everyone I can. Help me to be a faithful communicator of Your message.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Title: Not A Time For Questions / Topic: Obedience
Today’s Reading: Judges 6; Judges 7; Psalm 52; 1 Corinthians 14
Scripture: Judges 6:12-14
12 When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior."
13 "But sir," Gideon replied, "if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our fathers told us about when they said, 'Did not the LORD bring us up out of Egypt?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and put us into the hand of Midian."
14 The LORD turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?"
Observation: Gideon is threshing wheat in a winepress at night to conceal the wheat and keep it from being taken by the Midianites. The above conversation happens at that place. The angel affirms Gideon but Gideon has an objection (see the italicized portion above).
Application: This is a question many people ask. If God is with us, or if God is real, or if there is a God, why are these bad things happening to us? (or happening at all).
Of course, Gideon seems to have forgotten that the Israelites have broken faith with God by their idol worship and pagan practices. Sin has many consequences and losing God's blessing is one of them. So many people question God's goodness because of suffering brought on by man's sinful condition. But responsibility for suffering belongs on the shoulders of man, not God. It is God's mercy that we are even alive.
And God is with Gideon and He is there to help Gideon to get a victory and deliverance for God's people, in spite of their sin. Notice that God does not answer Gideon's objection but simply tells him to get going. There is a time when questions are out of place and obedience is the order of the day.
Prayer: Lord, I am grateful that You provide deliverance even when we do not deserve it. Your continuing mercy upon us is amazing to me. Help me to be a man who hears and obeys Your call to action. And deliver us from our enemies that we may reach Your world with the Gospel of salvation.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Judges 6:12-14
12 When the angel of the LORD appeared to Gideon, he said, "The LORD is with you, mighty warrior."
13 "But sir," Gideon replied, "if the LORD is with us, why has all this happened to us? Where are all his wonders that our fathers told us about when they said, 'Did not the LORD bring us up out of Egypt?' But now the LORD has abandoned us and put us into the hand of Midian."
14 The LORD turned to him and said, "Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian's hand. Am I not sending you?"
Observation: Gideon is threshing wheat in a winepress at night to conceal the wheat and keep it from being taken by the Midianites. The above conversation happens at that place. The angel affirms Gideon but Gideon has an objection (see the italicized portion above).
Application: This is a question many people ask. If God is with us, or if God is real, or if there is a God, why are these bad things happening to us? (or happening at all).
Of course, Gideon seems to have forgotten that the Israelites have broken faith with God by their idol worship and pagan practices. Sin has many consequences and losing God's blessing is one of them. So many people question God's goodness because of suffering brought on by man's sinful condition. But responsibility for suffering belongs on the shoulders of man, not God. It is God's mercy that we are even alive.
And God is with Gideon and He is there to help Gideon to get a victory and deliverance for God's people, in spite of their sin. Notice that God does not answer Gideon's objection but simply tells him to get going. There is a time when questions are out of place and obedience is the order of the day.
Prayer: Lord, I am grateful that You provide deliverance even when we do not deserve it. Your continuing mercy upon us is amazing to me. Help me to be a man who hears and obeys Your call to action. And deliver us from our enemies that we may reach Your world with the Gospel of salvation.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Title: The Sin Habit / Topic: Life Patterns
Today’s Reading: Judges 4; Judges 5; Psalm 39; Psalm 41; 1 Corinthians 13
Scripture: Judges 4:1 After Ehud died, the Israelites once again did evil in the eyes of the LORD.
Observation: This first verse in chapter 4 gives us the sad recurring story of the book of Judges. After the death of the Judge, Ehud, "the Israelites once again did evil..." It is an unfortunate pattern, to be sadly repeated over and over again. The Israelites have the sin habit. That is, they have the natural inclination to stray from the narrow road of God's design for them.
Application: Now this is something that everyone has, to one degree or another. But not everyone responds to it in the same way. Some just let themselves be jerked around by this sin habit. It is like a leash that pulls them toward sin and they dutifully go there. Others resist this pull -- they rebel against the sin habit instead of rebelling against the Lord. Of course, to resist the sin habit, one first needs to be aware of it. To be sure, a lack of this awareness dooms a person to the control of the sin habit. And awareness in an of itself is not guarantee of victory over it. But with awareness, coupled with a consistent program of strengthening of the inner spiritual being with God's help and the support of others, the effects of the sin habit can be minimized and its pull becomes less and less over time.
Bottom line: Acknowledge your own sin habit. Invest yourself in a program of regular spiritual disciplines designed to strengthen your inner spiritual being with God's help and seek others with similar values to support you and hold you accountable to the standards that God holds.
Prayer: Lord, I am so thankful that You have provided a remedy for the sin habit. It is so great to have a way to get out from under its cruel bondage. The liberty that You provide through the power of Your Spirit and the life of the Son is wonderful. Assist me to keep growing in my inner man that I may walk in consistent victory and lead others in it as well.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Judges 4:1 After Ehud died, the Israelites once again did evil in the eyes of the LORD.
Observation: This first verse in chapter 4 gives us the sad recurring story of the book of Judges. After the death of the Judge, Ehud, "the Israelites once again did evil..." It is an unfortunate pattern, to be sadly repeated over and over again. The Israelites have the sin habit. That is, they have the natural inclination to stray from the narrow road of God's design for them.
Application: Now this is something that everyone has, to one degree or another. But not everyone responds to it in the same way. Some just let themselves be jerked around by this sin habit. It is like a leash that pulls them toward sin and they dutifully go there. Others resist this pull -- they rebel against the sin habit instead of rebelling against the Lord. Of course, to resist the sin habit, one first needs to be aware of it. To be sure, a lack of this awareness dooms a person to the control of the sin habit. And awareness in an of itself is not guarantee of victory over it. But with awareness, coupled with a consistent program of strengthening of the inner spiritual being with God's help and the support of others, the effects of the sin habit can be minimized and its pull becomes less and less over time.
Bottom line: Acknowledge your own sin habit. Invest yourself in a program of regular spiritual disciplines designed to strengthen your inner spiritual being with God's help and seek others with similar values to support you and hold you accountable to the standards that God holds.
Prayer: Lord, I am so thankful that You have provided a remedy for the sin habit. It is so great to have a way to get out from under its cruel bondage. The liberty that You provide through the power of Your Spirit and the life of the Son is wonderful. Assist me to keep growing in my inner man that I may walk in consistent victory and lead others in it as well.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Title: The Lost Generation / Topic: Teaching The Children
Today’s Reading: Judges 1; Judges 2; Judges 3; 1 Corinthians 12
Scripture: Judges 2:10 After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.
Observation: The nation of Israel has had strong leadership in Moses and Joshua but now they are dead. And all those who experienced firsthand the miracles of God's deliverance and provision have passed away too. But look at the spiritual condition of the offspring of these generations that walked in miraculous times: they "knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel!" How is this possible? It is obvious that their parents had not raised them as God had proscribed. God had instructed through both Moses and Joshua that the Israelites were to tell and retell the stories of God's great works on their behalf. They were supposed to fill their homes with tokens of remembrance and to observe the festivals that spoke of the great events of the past. They were to obey the law and recite the works of God to their children at several intervals each day. What happened? Obviously, they did not do what God had told them to do, whether by design or neglect. But the result was the same: their kids did not know God. And the result was disaster for them and for the entire nation.
Application: I fear that we are doing the same thing. I see a generation of young people who don't know about God or His miraculous power. For the most part, the Christian church is doing a lousy job of building true faith into our children and youth. We must do better.
Prayer: Lord help us to figure this out. We seem to be fighting a losing battle over our kids. Help us to find effective ways to lead them into Your paths for their lives.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Judges 2:10 After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel.
Observation: The nation of Israel has had strong leadership in Moses and Joshua but now they are dead. And all those who experienced firsthand the miracles of God's deliverance and provision have passed away too. But look at the spiritual condition of the offspring of these generations that walked in miraculous times: they "knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel!" How is this possible? It is obvious that their parents had not raised them as God had proscribed. God had instructed through both Moses and Joshua that the Israelites were to tell and retell the stories of God's great works on their behalf. They were supposed to fill their homes with tokens of remembrance and to observe the festivals that spoke of the great events of the past. They were to obey the law and recite the works of God to their children at several intervals each day. What happened? Obviously, they did not do what God had told them to do, whether by design or neglect. But the result was the same: their kids did not know God. And the result was disaster for them and for the entire nation.
Application: I fear that we are doing the same thing. I see a generation of young people who don't know about God or His miraculous power. For the most part, the Christian church is doing a lousy job of building true faith into our children and youth. We must do better.
Prayer: Lord help us to figure this out. We seem to be fighting a losing battle over our kids. Help us to find effective ways to lead them into Your paths for their lives.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Title: More Harm Than Good? / Topic: Humility
Today’s Reading: Joshua 23; Joshua 24; Psalm 44; 1 Corinthians 11
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:17-18
17 In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. 18 In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it.
Observation: Ouch! Paul lowers the boom! Imagine hearing this: "Your meetings do more harm than good." Time to readjust your church. The point I get here is that it is possible to start with good intentions and end up way off track. It is possible for a church to move in such a way that it ends up doing more harm than good. And one indicator of this is what is mentioned in verse 18: "divisions among you." When any church allows or even encourages divisions (some churches specialize in division) or distinctions between believers, their work is a destructive work on the whole. Yes, they may do some good things, but the overall impact on the kingdom of God is a negative one.
Application: Love God and love people. If in my loving God I should ever stop loving people or accepting people, reevaluation is required. If I see myself or my group as superior, I must repent of my pride and seek to return to humility. That is the only path to doing God's productive work.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the reminders to stay humble. I want to be a part of something that does much more good than harm. In fact, I don't want to do any harm at all. Help me to love people and accept people as You do -- with wisdom, grace, and discretion. And help me to do great good to all.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:17-18
17 In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. 18 In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it.
Observation: Ouch! Paul lowers the boom! Imagine hearing this: "Your meetings do more harm than good." Time to readjust your church. The point I get here is that it is possible to start with good intentions and end up way off track. It is possible for a church to move in such a way that it ends up doing more harm than good. And one indicator of this is what is mentioned in verse 18: "divisions among you." When any church allows or even encourages divisions (some churches specialize in division) or distinctions between believers, their work is a destructive work on the whole. Yes, they may do some good things, but the overall impact on the kingdom of God is a negative one.
Application: Love God and love people. If in my loving God I should ever stop loving people or accepting people, reevaluation is required. If I see myself or my group as superior, I must repent of my pride and seek to return to humility. That is the only path to doing God's productive work.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the reminders to stay humble. I want to be a part of something that does much more good than harm. In fact, I don't want to do any harm at all. Help me to love people and accept people as You do -- with wisdom, grace, and discretion. And help me to do great good to all.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Title: Don't Assume (Ass-u-me) / Topic: Jumping To Conclusions
Today’s Reading: Joshua 21; Joshua 22; Psalm 47; 1 Corinthians 10
Scripture: Joshua 22:11-12, 32-33
11 And when the Israelites heard that they had built the altar on the border of Canaan at Geliloth near the Jordan on the Israelite side, 12 the whole assembly of Israel gathered at Shiloh to go to war against them...
32 Then Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, and the leaders returned to Canaan from their meeting with the Reubenites and Gadites in Gilead and reported to the Israelites. 33 They were glad to hear the report and praised God. And they talked no more about going to war against them to devastate the country where the Reubenites and the Gadites lived.
Observation: Following the conquest of the land, the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh leave for their homes on the east side of the Jordan. As they leave, they build a monument, an imposing altar. The first two verses above tell the reaction of the Israelites. They immediately decide that it is a capital offense and they prepare for war against their brothers. Talk about jumping to conclusions! Why was there not one sane person to say, "Let's ask them why they did it." It seems that everyone was assuming the worst: "They intend to offer sacrifices on this altar to other gods! Let's git us a posse and kill 'em!" A simple inquiry into the matter would have avoided this whole mess. In the end, they do ask (with the armies ready to attack) and find out that the whole thing was a misunderstanding (vss. 32-33) "Never mind. It's ok. It wasn't what we thought. We don't have to kill them and devastate their land after all. Shows over. Nothin' to see here. Everybody go home."
Application: I don't have to tell you why you should never assume. :) This could have ended very badly. And many situations in churches and our everyday lives are made worse by assuming. And why is it that it is so easy to assume the worst about people? Let's try assuming the best. "Love believes all things." I take that to mean that love believes for the best in people.
Prayer: Lord, may I have Your positive and gracious view of people. And may I get the facts before I spring into action. I want to live wisely and prudently.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Joshua 22:11-12, 32-33
11 And when the Israelites heard that they had built the altar on the border of Canaan at Geliloth near the Jordan on the Israelite side, 12 the whole assembly of Israel gathered at Shiloh to go to war against them...
32 Then Phinehas son of Eleazar, the priest, and the leaders returned to Canaan from their meeting with the Reubenites and Gadites in Gilead and reported to the Israelites. 33 They were glad to hear the report and praised God. And they talked no more about going to war against them to devastate the country where the Reubenites and the Gadites lived.
Observation: Following the conquest of the land, the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh leave for their homes on the east side of the Jordan. As they leave, they build a monument, an imposing altar. The first two verses above tell the reaction of the Israelites. They immediately decide that it is a capital offense and they prepare for war against their brothers. Talk about jumping to conclusions! Why was there not one sane person to say, "Let's ask them why they did it." It seems that everyone was assuming the worst: "They intend to offer sacrifices on this altar to other gods! Let's git us a posse and kill 'em!" A simple inquiry into the matter would have avoided this whole mess. In the end, they do ask (with the armies ready to attack) and find out that the whole thing was a misunderstanding (vss. 32-33) "Never mind. It's ok. It wasn't what we thought. We don't have to kill them and devastate their land after all. Shows over. Nothin' to see here. Everybody go home."
Application: I don't have to tell you why you should never assume. :) This could have ended very badly. And many situations in churches and our everyday lives are made worse by assuming. And why is it that it is so easy to assume the worst about people? Let's try assuming the best. "Love believes all things." I take that to mean that love believes for the best in people.
Prayer: Lord, may I have Your positive and gracious view of people. And may I get the facts before I spring into action. I want to live wisely and prudently.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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