Today’s Reading: Numbers 12; Numbers 13; Psalm 90; Mark 2
Scripture: Mark 2:7, 16, 18, 24
7 "Why does this fellow talk like that? He's blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?"
16 ..."Why does he eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"
18 ..."How is it that John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees are fasting, but yours are not?"
24 ..."Look, why are they doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?"
Observation: Apparently, there are many people following Jesus whose entire motivation is to find fault with whatever He does. Their picky criticisms stick out throughout the chapter. These complainers sound like ill-mannered brats.
Application: I guess that nay sayers have been around forever and will be around forever. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but so are the Pharisees!
Prayer: Lord help me to not pay attention to the nay sayers but to do what is right -- what You are calling me to do. And Lord, if You could either shut them up or keep them away from me, I would really appreciate it!
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Welcome! I want to share my daily devotional journal with you. I follow a Bible reading plan you can access online by clicking on the "Today's Bible Reading" link below. Each day I take a portion from the reading, make an observation, write an application, and offer a prayer. I invite you to read and comment as you would like and even post your own devotional thoughts. Join with me and let's use this blog as a tool to stimulate discipline and dedication to God's word and prayer.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Title: Serious Purification / Topic: Ministry Requirements
Today’s Reading: Numbers 8; Numbers 9; Acts 28
Scripture: Numbers 8:5-7
5 The LORD said to Moses: 6 "Take the Levites from among the other Israelites and make them ceremonially clean. 7 To purify them, do this: Sprinkle the water of cleansing on them; then have them shave their whole bodies and wash their clothes, and so purify themselves.
Observation: The Levites were given the responsibility of assisting the priests in the worship of God. There were 22,000 Levites (Numbers 3:39). Here, they are commissioned for their ministry. There are three parts of the purification ritual given in verse 7. First, "sprinkle the water of cleansing on them." Second, "have them shave their whole bodies." And third, "wash their clothes." It is this second part that caught my attention: "shave their whole bodies." This is a very demanding requirement. To ask 22,000 males to shave, not just their face or head, but their entire bodies is downright radical. I think of what it would take for me to do this and it is revolting! I certainly wouldn't want to do it. For one thing, I couldn't do it without help, because there are parts I can't even reach, much less shave. And another thing is that they didn't have any Remington electric or Gillette Fusion razors or anything like that. I'm not sure exactly what kind of blades they did use for shaving but I would bet that knicks and cuts were unavoidable and this makes a whole-body shave a pretty hazardous undertaking. The whole thing seems extreme and a bit bizarre.
Application: My point is that to serve the Lord involves our whole being and being surrendered to what God says to do, no matter how radical or even painful it might be. This also tells us that God takes personal purification very seriously and wants those who serve him to take it seriously. This is no casual undertaking. And it starts with surrendered hearts and covers every part of our lives.
Prayer: Lord, help us to be serious about serving you and dedicated to doing whatever it takes to be purified for your purposes in our lives. Keep us from any casual or relaxed approach to entering the service of Almighty God.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Numbers 8:5-7
5 The LORD said to Moses: 6 "Take the Levites from among the other Israelites and make them ceremonially clean. 7 To purify them, do this: Sprinkle the water of cleansing on them; then have them shave their whole bodies and wash their clothes, and so purify themselves.
Observation: The Levites were given the responsibility of assisting the priests in the worship of God. There were 22,000 Levites (Numbers 3:39). Here, they are commissioned for their ministry. There are three parts of the purification ritual given in verse 7. First, "sprinkle the water of cleansing on them." Second, "have them shave their whole bodies." And third, "wash their clothes." It is this second part that caught my attention: "shave their whole bodies." This is a very demanding requirement. To ask 22,000 males to shave, not just their face or head, but their entire bodies is downright radical. I think of what it would take for me to do this and it is revolting! I certainly wouldn't want to do it. For one thing, I couldn't do it without help, because there are parts I can't even reach, much less shave. And another thing is that they didn't have any Remington electric or Gillette Fusion razors or anything like that. I'm not sure exactly what kind of blades they did use for shaving but I would bet that knicks and cuts were unavoidable and this makes a whole-body shave a pretty hazardous undertaking. The whole thing seems extreme and a bit bizarre.
Application: My point is that to serve the Lord involves our whole being and being surrendered to what God says to do, no matter how radical or even painful it might be. This also tells us that God takes personal purification very seriously and wants those who serve him to take it seriously. This is no casual undertaking. And it starts with surrendered hearts and covers every part of our lives.
Prayer: Lord, help us to be serious about serving you and dedicated to doing whatever it takes to be purified for your purposes in our lives. Keep us from any casual or relaxed approach to entering the service of Almighty God.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Title: Deadly Deception / Topic: False Evidence
Today’s Reading: Numbers 7; Psalm 23; Acts 27
Scripture: Acts 27:13-14
13 When a gentle south wind began to blow, they thought they had obtained what they wanted; so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete. 14 Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called the "northeaster," swept down from the island...
Observation: Paul, under arrest, is being transported to Rome on a ship. Because the Lord spoke to Paul of impending danger, he warned them that they should not leave port. But "the majority decided" (vs. 12) to sail on, listening to the ship's pilot and the owner of the ship instead of Paul. The crew watched for favorable sailing conditions and verse 13 describes what they observed: "...a gentle south wind..." This lead them to believe that it was safe to sail, which they did. However, verse 14 tells us "before very long" something quite different showed up: "a wind of hurricane force, called the 'northeaster,' swept down from the island." From this moment on, their lives are in peril as the ship becomes engulfed in a monstrous storm.
Application: There are so many times when the circumstances, as observed by men, can direct in a certain way. This way seems reasonable and even wise based on the available information and even "experts" who are most knowledgeable. Observe who advised them to sail: the pilot and owner of the ship. And they swayed the majority. Even the weather seemed to affirm their opinion. And who was it that told them not to sail? It was a prisoner -- a guy in chains who had been a religious leader and was a former tentmaker. What could he possibly have to offer on the subject of ships and sailing? Maybe this prisoner was advising not to sail to delay his having to face justice, or perhaps to give himself an opportunity to escape. This is not a person that should be listened to. So everything lined up with choice that ended up being a total disaster.
Bottom line: This points out the need for spiritual discernment and knowledge from God. It is so easy to be deceived by false evidence and experts that seem right but ends up leading to catastrophe. We must hone our spiritual senses to hear from God. He can see what we never could, even with all our human abilities, expertise, and rationality. Only he can keep us from operating in deadly deception.
Prayer: Lord, help us to be attuned to your thoughts and ways. Give us the ability to look beyond our circumstances and our own perceptions and interpretive abilities to discern your best, especially when it runs counter to the winds of experts and the majority. May we follow you and abide in safety.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Acts 27:13-14
13 When a gentle south wind began to blow, they thought they had obtained what they wanted; so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete. 14 Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called the "northeaster," swept down from the island...
Observation: Paul, under arrest, is being transported to Rome on a ship. Because the Lord spoke to Paul of impending danger, he warned them that they should not leave port. But "the majority decided" (vs. 12) to sail on, listening to the ship's pilot and the owner of the ship instead of Paul. The crew watched for favorable sailing conditions and verse 13 describes what they observed: "...a gentle south wind..." This lead them to believe that it was safe to sail, which they did. However, verse 14 tells us "before very long" something quite different showed up: "a wind of hurricane force, called the 'northeaster,' swept down from the island." From this moment on, their lives are in peril as the ship becomes engulfed in a monstrous storm.
Application: There are so many times when the circumstances, as observed by men, can direct in a certain way. This way seems reasonable and even wise based on the available information and even "experts" who are most knowledgeable. Observe who advised them to sail: the pilot and owner of the ship. And they swayed the majority. Even the weather seemed to affirm their opinion. And who was it that told them not to sail? It was a prisoner -- a guy in chains who had been a religious leader and was a former tentmaker. What could he possibly have to offer on the subject of ships and sailing? Maybe this prisoner was advising not to sail to delay his having to face justice, or perhaps to give himself an opportunity to escape. This is not a person that should be listened to. So everything lined up with choice that ended up being a total disaster.
Bottom line: This points out the need for spiritual discernment and knowledge from God. It is so easy to be deceived by false evidence and experts that seem right but ends up leading to catastrophe. We must hone our spiritual senses to hear from God. He can see what we never could, even with all our human abilities, expertise, and rationality. Only he can keep us from operating in deadly deception.
Prayer: Lord, help us to be attuned to your thoughts and ways. Give us the ability to look beyond our circumstances and our own perceptions and interpretive abilities to discern your best, especially when it runs counter to the winds of experts and the majority. May we follow you and abide in safety.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Title: The Message Of Hope / Topic: Our Call
Today’s Reading: Numbers 5; Numbers 6; Psalm 22; Acts 26
Scripture: Acts 26:17-18
17 "'I am sending you to them 18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'"
Observation: Paul, giving his defense before King Agrippa, Bernice, and Festus, describes the call of Christ upon his life. These are the words that Jesus spoke to Paul in those first moments of his encounter with Paul. I notice a progression in these verses. First is the sending. God chooses people and sends them with his message and his power. Without those who are sent, who would bring the message? Next we see that there is the need to "open their eyes". This speaks of the removal of the blindness that prevents people from seeing God and if they cannot see, they cannot believe. Third we see the turning. This is the concept of repentance -- positive change of direction. They turn from darkness to light. So not only are these people blind, but they are also in darkness, which would render them helpless even if they were not blind. So it is a kind of double whammy of being cursed, completely disabled from any chance of finding our way without God's intervention. Also, I find it interesting to note that Paul himself was struck with blindness and had to have someone come and pray for him to have his sight restored. They also turn from the power of Satan to God. This is a freeing from destructive forces to constructive forces -- from the clutches of evil and death into the grip of goodness and life. In this turning we see the first actual direct encounter with God and his power. What a blessing to come into contact with God and his loving kindness after being set free from the deadly and destructive entrapments of sin and Satan. The upshot of all this is receiving of the forgiveness from our sins and being adopted into the family of God, being given a place along with all the others who have believed in him and received his goodness and his mercy.
Application: What a wonderful call this is. The exciting thing to me is that this call is not just for Paul. It is for every believer. We are privileged to be a part of those who proclaim in Jesus the goodness and mercy of God to the world.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for this superb and wonderful and amazing call that you have placed on our lives. To have the honor of sharing your goodness with the world around us who is in such desperate need of hope and light is a true gift. I pray that we will take this gift and share it with joy and effectiveness and that many will come to know your goodness and your salvation through our lives. May we shine with your brightness as we proclaim your light to the world.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Scripture: Acts 26:17-18
17 "'I am sending you to them 18 to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.'"
Observation: Paul, giving his defense before King Agrippa, Bernice, and Festus, describes the call of Christ upon his life. These are the words that Jesus spoke to Paul in those first moments of his encounter with Paul. I notice a progression in these verses. First is the sending. God chooses people and sends them with his message and his power. Without those who are sent, who would bring the message? Next we see that there is the need to "open their eyes". This speaks of the removal of the blindness that prevents people from seeing God and if they cannot see, they cannot believe. Third we see the turning. This is the concept of repentance -- positive change of direction. They turn from darkness to light. So not only are these people blind, but they are also in darkness, which would render them helpless even if they were not blind. So it is a kind of double whammy of being cursed, completely disabled from any chance of finding our way without God's intervention. Also, I find it interesting to note that Paul himself was struck with blindness and had to have someone come and pray for him to have his sight restored. They also turn from the power of Satan to God. This is a freeing from destructive forces to constructive forces -- from the clutches of evil and death into the grip of goodness and life. In this turning we see the first actual direct encounter with God and his power. What a blessing to come into contact with God and his loving kindness after being set free from the deadly and destructive entrapments of sin and Satan. The upshot of all this is receiving of the forgiveness from our sins and being adopted into the family of God, being given a place along with all the others who have believed in him and received his goodness and his mercy.
Application: What a wonderful call this is. The exciting thing to me is that this call is not just for Paul. It is for every believer. We are privileged to be a part of those who proclaim in Jesus the goodness and mercy of God to the world.
Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for this superb and wonderful and amazing call that you have placed on our lives. To have the honor of sharing your goodness with the world around us who is in such desperate need of hope and light is a true gift. I pray that we will take this gift and share it with joy and effectiveness and that many will come to know your goodness and your salvation through our lives. May we shine with your brightness as we proclaim your light to the world.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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