Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Title: Deadly Deception / Topic: False Evidence

Today’s Reading: Numbers 7; Psalm 23; Acts 27


Scripture: Acts 27:13-14
13 When a gentle south wind began to blow, they thought they had obtained what they wanted; so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete. 14 Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called the "northeaster," swept down from the island...

Observation: Paul, under arrest, is being transported to Rome on a ship. Because the Lord spoke to Paul of impending danger, he warned them that they should not leave port. But "the majority decided" (vs. 12) to sail on, listening to the ship's pilot and the owner of the ship instead of Paul. The crew watched for favorable sailing conditions and verse 13 describes what they observed: "...a gentle south wind..." This lead them to believe that it was safe to sail, which they did. However, verse 14 tells us "before very long" something quite different showed up: "a wind of hurricane force, called the 'northeaster,' swept down from the island." From this moment on, their lives are in peril as the ship becomes engulfed in a monstrous storm.

Application: There are so many times when the circumstances, as observed by men, can direct in a certain way. This way seems reasonable and even wise based on the available information and even "experts" who are most knowledgeable. Observe who advised them to sail: the pilot and owner of the ship. And they swayed the majority. Even the weather seemed to affirm their opinion. And who was it that told them not to sail? It was a prisoner -- a guy in chains who had been a religious leader and was a former tentmaker. What could he possibly have to offer on the subject of ships and sailing? Maybe this prisoner was advising not to sail to delay his having to face justice, or perhaps to give himself an opportunity to escape. This is not a person that should be listened to. So everything lined up with choice that ended up being a total disaster.

Bottom line: This points out the need for spiritual discernment and knowledge from God. It is so easy to be deceived by false evidence and experts that seem right but ends up leading to catastrophe. We must hone our spiritual senses to hear from God. He can see what we never could, even with all our human abilities, expertise, and rationality. Only he can keep us from operating in deadly deception.

Prayer: Lord, help us to be attuned to your thoughts and ways. Give us the ability to look beyond our circumstances and our own perceptions and interpretive abilities to discern your best, especially when it runs counter to the winds of experts and the majority. May we follow you and abide in safety.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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