Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Title: Stupid Superstition / Topic: Beliefs

I am again posting from our nation's capital, Washinton D.C.

Today's Reading: 1 Kings 9; 2 Chronicles 8; Psalm 136; Romans 5

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 8:11 Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter up from the City of David to the palace he had built for her, for he said, "My wife must not live in the palace of David king of Israel, because the places the ark of the LORD has entered are holy."

Obervation: What a strange belief Solomon had. Apparently he was convinced that the ark of the Lord was so holy that anyplace it had passed through also holy and was no place for an Egyptian. But Solomon had no such idea about himself, even though he was the Lord's annointed. Solomon moved Pharoah's daughter to his palace away from Jerusalem to keep her from the alleys through which the ark had passed, but was willing to marry her and have intimate relations with her. Strange.

Application: Christians can have strange ideas too. I see some that I would call "stupid superstitions." Jesus pointed out some that the Pharisees had (like the gold of the temple is sacred while the temple is not). We have ideas that some things are bad sins (like wearing too short of a skirt or getting an extreme hair style) but we gossip about such things and think nothing of it. What's wrong with that is gossip is clearly a sin while what is acceptable in clothing and hair styles is opinion.

Another example is that Christians often think there is a special decorum for what happens at church because it is "the house of the Lord" but allow all manner of wretched talk, and hateful arguing, and unclean media into their own homes and think nothing of it.

Bottom line: What is truly holy and sacred are the people who God lives in. That's us. We must regard ourselves as holy at all times and live with the high standards of God's purity and holiness on everything we think, do, say, and value.

Prayer: Lord, thank You that You have called us to Yourself as a people set apart for a great destiny. Help us not to dilute our lives with unclean things. Father, we live in a morally polluted world. We need Your help to keep our lives holy for Your purposes. Help us to be vessels ready for Your use.
This I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


Anonymous said...

What would our lives be like if we weren't so worried about looking "spiritual" at church and were more concerned with what God thought of what we do and think about behind closed doors away from public scrutiny? I have a suspicion that we would have a lot more of the things we want from God, such as a more intimate relationship, hearing His voice much more clearly, answers to our prayers, miracles, etc. Food for thought.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.