Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Title: Parade Of Fools / Topic: God's Values

Today’s Reading: Isaiah 32; Isaiah 33; Isaiah 34; Isaiah 35; James 2

Scripture: Isaiah 32:5 No longer will the fool be called noble
nor the scoundrel be highly respected.

Observation: This verse reminded me of our popular culture and all the fools that are celebrated. Just take a look at People magazine or Entertainment Tonight or Extra on TV. It's a parade of fools and scoundrels! The ridiculous attention given to the celebrity "coupling" or wedding du jour makes me laugh. "Aren't they the perfect couple?" -- until they split (next year or next month). It's pathetic. But there will come the day when what is highly regarded by our pop culture and our ungodly media will be unmasked for the unmitigated hogwash that it is.

Application: Don't get sucked into what the world values. Keep your eyes on Jesus, your hope in heaven, and your thoughts on Godly things. Don't be in step with the world but keep in step with the Spirit and with your church family.

Prayer: Lord, I thank You that You lead us in the stuff that matters both now and for all eternity. Thank You for the substance You build into our lives as we focus on You. And thank You that true love is defined by this statement "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" and not by Hollywood. May we live in Your value system and demonstrate to our world what it truly means to be loving and giving people.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Mike. But more so thank you God. This is a daily strugle for many of us. The influances of the media, the people around us and the world in general are very strong. We must remember that He is stronger and that if we put on His full armour we can overcome anything.

I was reading from 1 Timothy 1:12-17 this morning and Paul really puts it right, he says "Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners - of whom I AM the worst. Paul was speaking in present tense. For all of his righteousness, his strength of faith, he was still a sinner. By living according to Christ though he was forgiven, just as we are. Thank God for his mercy and love.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mike for this word today that you have brought us all from God. I really needed to hear it today. I get caught up in the media. I find myself watching the differant reality TV shows like Newlyweds and the such and I end up getting sucked into that whole thing. What God is putting on my heart today while readding this and the bible reading is what am I teaching my daughter Lizzy is important when i am consumed with the lives of celebritites instead of the life of Jesus!! He needs to be my focus. and not just when I am praying or at church or when I have a problem he needs to be my focus all day so that when others look at me they see that that is where my focus is not on the TV or magazine wondering who is doing what in Hollywood.