Today’s Reading: Proverbs 22; Proverbs 23; Proverbs 24; Romans 14
Scripture: Proverbs 22:17-19
17 Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise;
apply your heart to what I teach,
18 for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart
and have all of them ready on your lips.
19 So that your trust may be in the LORD,
I teach you today, even you.
Observation: What great truths are in all of today's reading. It is hard to select just one passage to write on. The passage above sums it up for me. It is about God's wisdom based on the sayings of wise people. These sayings (and these people) require us to make a choice -- to heed or not to heed. If we heed, good for us -- blessing will follow. If we don't, bad for us -- we will suffer. So, when it comes to the "sayings of the wise..."
Application: attention, listen, apply, keep them, have them ready. If we will do these five things, there is a guaranteed result: our trust will be in the Lord. That's right, do these five things with the sayings of the wise and your trust will be in the Lord. So many people don't get this. They mistakenly think that it is possible to have a trust in the Lord that doesn't involve submission to "the wise," that is, to Godly authority. But that is wrong. To do these five things -- pay attention, listen, apply, keep them, have them ready -- requires humility and teachableness and an openness to God that he will always reward. (One reason that people have a hard time submitting to human authority is that it is always flawed. That's right, always flawed. But God doesn't say to do these five things to the sayings of "the perfect wise," he just says "the wise."
Bottom line: Find somebody wise, as demonstrated by a track record of godly character and healthy relationships, and do these five things.
Prayer: Dear Lord, make me truly wise in you, and give me wise people to follow.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
1 comment:
Fabulous blog! So very true. This principle is what has helped both you and I not only to have a great and happy marriage but also to stay close to the Lord through all the trials and heartaches we have faced. Thank you for being a man of such sterling character when it comes to this proinciple. I cannot think of one time in the 35 years I've lived with you that you have violated it. That's some record!
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