Thursday, April 27, 2006

Title: From Misfit To Mighty / Topic: Leadership

Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 2; 1 Chronicles 11; Psalm 142; Matthew 14

Scripture: 2 Samuel 2:11 this is the list of David's mighty men...

[and from an earlier reading] 1 Samuel 22:1 David left Gath and escaped to the cave of Adullam. When his brothers and his father's household heard about it, they went down to him there. 2 All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader...

Observation: Today's reading contains the list of David's mighty men and tells of their amazing exploits. These were like Israel's Knights of the Round Table. They were the Special Forces of their time. These men were dedicated, disciplined, highly skilled, and extremely loyal. But they did not start out that way. 1 Samuel 22:1-2 (above) tell us that when they first gathered to David, they were a rag tag bunch of misfits and outcasts. They were losers. What changed them? The powerful effect of great leadership. David led them with character and courage. He modeled high integrity and honor. And in the pressure cooker of their situation, David rubbed off on them.

Application: Great leaders make their followers great. But it takes time and consistent interaction, especially through difficult times. Think of what David and these men went through. They were hunted down like animals. They had to go into exile and operate covertly against Israel's enemies while living among them. Their lives where in danger from all sides. Great character, like a diamond, is forged in deep places of great heat and enormous pressure. David's mighty men became great in character like diamonds. May we be willing to be likewise formed.

Prayer: Lord, help us to welcome all who seek our comradeship. May we find the diamond within every individual, without regard to any person's original condition. Thank You, Lord, that You know how to bring the heat and pressure to bear upon us in such a way that we come forth better. And thank You for those who model greatness and excellence of leadership in our lives. Help us to become mighty men and women — people worthy of our great Champion and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


LaurieC said...

This devotional realy made me think. At first I thought about all the difficult, impulsive (many hyper-active) children that I've worked with throughout the years, and how now that they are adults and have learned how to focus that energy, have become very productive. Then I thought of myself and this past year. It has definately been the year God has caused me to re-examin my doctrinal beliefs as well as questioning the very core of God's existance in my life. I would say that I "hit rock bottom" spiritually. But, God, of course, was there showing me the foundation of his character and presence that he has built in my life throughout the years. That was in June/July. After that the "pressure" only intensified beyond what I thought I could endure. But God is always, always faithful and a secure refuge. Overall, I'm glad the year is over. But I can see that God is only bringing me through a process of making me more secure in him and showing me a deeper reality of his strength that dwells in me. David's "Mighty Men" (as me) may have started out as outcasts that no one saw a need for, but God and one man (David) saw potential in them and, just like you said, Pastor Mike, a good leader spends time encouraging, and teaching others as God is developing them as well.

Anonymous said...

Based on Scripture, I can safely say that David was a "management by example" type of leader. These "mighty" warriors became such fierce fighters because they were first hand witnesses not only to David's skills in battle, but also to the compasion, loyalty, humbleness, etc. that David demosntrated with others. But above all, they saw how much he loved God and when the time came fight in battle against the Benjamites, these men were inspired and were ready to fight like lions for their beloved leader.

Mike Stipech said...

Amen and I'm glad for you.

Thanks for your insight.

Pastor Mike