Today’s Reading: 1 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10; 2 Chronicles 11; Philippians 2
Scripture: Philippians 2:14-15
14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe...
Observation: It's a simple instruction: "no complaining -- no arguing." But complaining and arguing are everywhere around us. (I especially see it in younger people. OK, there's plenty of it in older people too.) I think it is interesting that Paul says that if we can get rid of the complaining and arguing we will stand out like bright stars against the blackest of night skies. Ain't it the truth! If you could produce a group of people who did not complain, they would really stand out! Why, people would think they were from another planet! And the same is true for arguing. It is hard to imagine a setting with people where there is not complaining and arguing -- but it's nice if you can. And it's even better if you can find such a place.
Application: We have work to do in our thoughts and words. Complaining and arguing originate in critical and selfish minds. We need to deal with our sinful and selfish nature and ask God to help us to become more contented with the way things are instead of the constant complaining that is so common. We need to change our thinking and our speech.
[I encourage you to determine to avoid complaining and arguing (this is a dare if you are a teen) for a 24 hour period. Try it and let us know how it went.]
Prayer: Lord, help us to work on this negative communication. Help us to become positive in the way we think and the way we talk. May we deal a death blow to complaining and arguing and become positive people instead. We want to reflect the joy of the Lord in every aspect of our lives.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
1 comment:
We find happiness for ourselves as well as others when we learn to stop complaining. I was speaking yesterday with someone who's concerned about a brother that is very unhappy (to the point of severe depression). It was clear that the bottom line was that this brother always blamed his problems on others. His complaint and bitterness over others' "mistreatment" of him and his critical spirit about their faults is ruining his life. He's avoiding the pain of personal responsibility by blaming others for all his problems but the result is the opposite of the peace he's looking for. Oh that we would all learn that complaining (and arguing) do us no good! I need to remember this too. It's tempting sometimes to fall into this trap.
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