Sunday, May 06, 2007

Title: What Might Have Been / Topic: Choices and Consequences

Author's Note: It has been several days since my last post. I have not been neglecting my time with the Lord, just my blog. Did you miss me? Please post a comment if you appreciate this blog. I post to initiate a discussion. If no discussion happens, then my purpose in unfulfilled and I don't see the point in posting. That's what I'm thinking. What are your thoughts?

Today’s Reading: 2 Samuel 11; 2 Samuel 12; Psalm 51; Matthew 23

Scripture: 2 Samuel 11:1 In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king's men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.

Observation: It is the time for kings to go off to war. David is a king. But David stays home. And what ensues is the whole sordid tale of David's lustful encounter with Bathsheba and the subsequent treacherous conspiracy and murder of Bathsheba's loyal husband Uriah. If only David had simply gone where he was supposed to go. What a difference it would have made in so many lives. A simple decision to not do what he should have done had extreme and dire consequences for all eternity.

Application: Don't put yourself in the wrong place. Be where you are supposed to be. The papers are filled with stories of innocent individuals who got hurt or killed because they were at the wrong party or at the wrong person's house or waiting for a friend outside the wrong club. Just be where you are supposed to be.

Prayer: Lord, keep me in the right places to be and do what you want. I do not ask you to keep me safe because being a true witness for you is not safe. Obedience has cost many of your witnesses their lives and they died because they were where you wanted them to be and they took a righteous stand. I do ask for you to keep me in your will. Keep me from places I should not go. May I do your will.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

1 comment:

Cynthia Stipech said...

I love reading your blog so will you keep it going for me, even if no one else joins the discussion? I post most of the time. I enjoyed this one too. Being where we are supposed to be not only avoids problems, it places us in a position to receive great blessings as well.