Scripture: Revelation 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon."
Observation: The thrilling conclusion of the end of days as recorded in John's Revelation climaxes with the return of Jesus and the final judgments against those whose very nature seems to be hatred for God and rebellion against him. These words in verse 20 are great comfort from Jesus himself. "Yes, I am coming soon," he tells us.
Application: And this is the blessed hope for those who believe: Jesus is coming again to make all things right and to restore God's rightful rule over creation. As I look at the world on this last day of 2007, I wonder how much longer it can continue. We see wars and rumors of wars, great thrashing turmoil among so many nations around the world, and the shadow of threat of some kind of nuclear attack still darkens the earth. We witness a prevailing culture that is growing in a blatant rejection of God and his authority. Man's technology is becoming more and more powerful, and the advances in genetic research make human cloning a likely reality in a short time. Because of these things, it seems to me that Jesus' coming is so soon and the time is short. If this is true, what kind of lives should we be living?
Prayer: Lord, help us to pray and seek your face. Empower your people to follow you with passion and focus. I pray that Jesus would be clearly lifted up by your Church so that the true witness of Christ would be unmistakable to the world. Purify your people so the world may know that Jesus is Lord. Help me to follow you more closely, and never to forget that Jesus is coming soon.
This I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
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