Today’s Reading: Genesis 9; Genesis 10; Genesis 11; Luke 4
Scripture: Luke 4:13-14
13 When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. 14 Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit...
Observation: Jesus has just undergone 40 days of fasting followed by multiple trials and temptations by the devil. (Note that verse 1 tells us that Jesus was "full of the Holy Spirit" and "was led by the Spirit in the desert." Sometimes we think that if we are in a desert experience or facing trials, we have missed God. On the contrary, the Spirit can actually lead us into these experiences for our strengthening.) And at the end of this period, it says that Jesus returned "in the power of the Spirit." Note the difference: before -- "full of the Holy Spirit"; after "in the power of the Spirit."
Application: If you ask God to have spiritual power, get ready for some testing. Because Jesus was willing to undergo the extreme spiritual discipline of a long total fast (nothing to eat), coupled with solitude, he was well-prepared for spiritual trench warfare. This was a training ground that strengthened him and built him in his ability to engage the enemy at the deepest level. As a result, Jesus left this experience with awesome spiritual power that resulted in healings, deliverances, and the clear and effective communication of the message that God had sent him to bring.
Bottom line: We say we want power, with the attendant miracles, signs, and wonders, but few of us are willing to make the sacrifice to engage in spiritual disciplines that cost us time, energy, comfort, and convenience. Lord help us.
Prayer: Yes, Lord, help us to be willing to pay any price to lay hold of that purpose and power for which you laid hold of us. Thank you for the example of Jesus who went before us to show us how to do it. May we follow him into our own wilderness and may we encounter you there in power and glory. Prepare us for our Master's use.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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