Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Title: Do You Truly Love Me? / Topic: Passion & Motivation

Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 45, 46, 47; Psalms 105; John 21

Scripture: John:21:15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?"...

Observation: Confrontation! The risen Jesus challenges Peter.

You will remember that Peter had decided to go fishing. (I think that they were supposed to wait where they were, but Peter, once again, got tired of waiting.) Peter apparently loved fishing -- or at least he loved the comfort of doing something that he was good at. Now Jesus appears to them on the shore after Peter and the others came up empty after a night of fruitless fishing. He tells them to throw their nets on the right side of the boat (notice that he didn't say the "port side" or "starboard," terms a fisherman or sailor would use -- he said "right side," a term a carpenter would use). When they do it, they make a huge haul of fish. Now, back on the shore, Jesus has just fed them a tasty breakfast of fresh fish and toast.

And it is at this moment that he challenges Peter: "I know you truly love fishing. Do you truly love me more than these fish?" Peter gives him a weak response: "Lord, you know that I like you a lot." But Jesus doesn't let up and challenges him again...

Application: I want to focus on the very basic challenge to Peter which is the most foundational challenge to every believer: "Do you truly love me more than these?" And "these" refers to the things that we are truly captivated by: our stuff, our pursuits, our loves, our pleasures, our image, etc. "Do you truly love me more than these things?" Jesus asks you and me. I think that, if we are honest we, like Peter, should say, "Lord, I'm very fond of you." But my inner desire is to be able to say unequivocally, "Yes, Lord, I love You more than these things!"

Bottom Line: To truly follow the Lord, we must Love Him more than anything that this world and our lives in it would offer.

Prayer: Lord, I want to love You more than anything and to have my obedience and dedication to You motivated by that love. Assist me and empower me Lord to have and maintain a love for You that eclipses any other passion.

This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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