Today’s Reading: Exodus 33; Exodus 34; Psalm 16; Acts 9
Scripture: Exodus 33:13-18 (excerpts below)
13 "If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people..."
15 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here..."
18 Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory."
Observation: Moses and the Lord are having quite a conversation here. God is telling Moses that the people have serious problems and that leading them is going to be challenging. What I love here is how Moses responds to the Lord. He just keeps asking for more and more of God.
Application: What this reveals about Moses is the key. Moses knew he needed God -- all of God -- to succeed. There was no option -- Moses would do it no other way. He asks for God to teach him His ways (vs. 13), give him His Presence (vs. 15), and show him His glory (vs. 18). I'm sure Moses was a gifted leader. But gifting is not enough for Kingdom leadership -- a Kingdom leader needs the King -- his ways, his presence, and his glory.
Bottom Line: If you want to lead in the Kingdom with wise, godly leadership, talent, training, and skill are not enough. You need ALL OF GOD. So make the pursuit of God Himself your primary pursuit and let that be the foundation upon which the skill, talent, and techniques that you acquire as a leader.
Prayer: Lord, help me to know you and have your ways, your ongoing presence, and your glory as the obvious foundation of all you have called me to do, and the leadership responsibilities you have given me. May I exercise them faithfully, in a way that pleases you and blesses those you have called me to serve.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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