Friday, April 07, 2006

Title: Save Our Children / Topic: Parenting

Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 1; 1 Samuel 2; Psalm 66; 2 Corinthians 7

Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:12 Eli's sons were wicked men; they had no regard for the LORD.

Observation: It's tragic. The sons of Eli, the high priest, are described as "wicked men" meaning "they had no regard for the LORD." (The eventual result of their attitudes and actions was their youthful deaths.) How is it that the sons of the high priest have come to the point of such dark and ugly hearts toward God? I expect that Eli was a reasonably good father and maintained a consistent faith before his sons. He faithfully carried out his office year after year. He made sure his boys were at the festivals and solemn assemblies. Where did it all go so wrong?

Application: I don't have a good answer for Eli's tragedy. But I do know that this story underscores certain truths. First, that we have a huge responsibility for our kids. Second, that there is an enemy with evil designs toward them. And from these emanates a third truth: we need to be very alert and intentional about how we communicate God to our children. We need to work each day to speak God into their lives.
And it can't be just talk. Our lives must speak to them of God's importance in who we are.
But it also cannot be unspoken. Words are required: lots of words, frequent words, serious words, fun words, words of encouragement, words of correction, words of praise, words of honesty, words of hope, words of confession. The combining of Godly words, actions, and most of all love, are what we need to give to our children as much as we can. Don't leave it to chance. Make it happen today.

Prayer: Lord, help us to lead our children to You. We want to see our children in authentic relationship with You as they grow. Give us wisdom, determination, and wisdom to do the job that needs to be done to provide them with the best possible opportunity to make You the center of their lives. And place Your protection around each one to keep the enemy of their souls from having access. We thank You for our children and ask You to help us to do everything possible so we can see them serving You with all of their hearts.
This I pray in Jesus' name, Amen


Anonymous said...

Sounds like good counsel. Lord be our strength where our children WANT to see weakness.

Anonymous said...

1Samuel 2:29 gives us the reason why Eli's sons became wicked. God asked Eli: "Why do you honor your sons more than me..." This is a lesson for us parents to be careful not to put our children, and for that matter, our family before God. God must be honored first, always. Carl M.

Cynthia Stipech said...

When our children make choices contrary to God's standards we must do more than just tell them that what they are doing isn't right. Eli did that and God makes clear it wasn't enough. We must actively try to stop our children from doing wrong, or, if they are of adult age and out from under our control, we must let them suffer the consequences of their own actions and continue to uphold God's standards. It is one of the most painful experiences a parent can have yet God must be first in our lives. We must answer first to Him. And God is faithful to answer prayers to turn our children back to Him. When we stand for God we will have no regrets when we stand before Him on Judgement Day. If friendship with our children is more important to us we do them no favors. What did Eli's non-confrontation and tolerance of his sons' evil behavior do for them? They received harsh judgement from God and though Eli may haven't had to deal with his sons being angry at him for putting the brakes on their negative behavior, any parent knows he was still dealing with heartache and shame over their lack of character.