Thursday, June 08, 2006

Title: The Benefits Of Deafness / Topic: Wise Living

Today's Reading: Ecclesiastes 7; Ecclesiastes 8; Ecclesiastes 9; Ephesians 4

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7:21-22
21 Do not pay attention to every word people say,
or you may hear your servant cursing you -
22 for you know in your heart
that many times you yourself have cursed others.

Observation: What good advice! And practical! Solomon tells us to not listen too closely to everything people say. You may hear something you wish you hadn't.

Application: It is better to be in the dark about some things. I am glad that I do not know everything that my enemies say about me. I am glad that I do not know everything that my friends say about me! Why? Because we all say things about people that we would never want them to hear.

[Now if you are shocked at that admission, you may be in denial or over-righteous so you might need to heed the words of Ecclesiates7:16.]

So be careful to intentionally "not pay attention to every word people say." It is wise to let some things pass without your knowledge. And if you happen to hear another person say some uncomplimentary word about you, it may be wise to let it pass as if you had not heard it.

One more point: this is a lesson for us to watch our own words about others. So much is said that would be better left unsaid. I want to become exemplary in the way I talk about other people -- to speak (and think) the best of them as much as it is possible.

Prayer: Lord, help us to honor You with our lips. May we speak in a way that builds others up and allow nothing to escape our mouths that would bring us shame or discomfort if others were to hear. May we be used to bless others and be an example of positive expressions, uplifting words, and encouragement in all we say.
This I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Pastor Mike for your advise on this topic today. This is something I have to continuallly work on in my life. I have been trying to teach my children also not to worry about what people say about them and now i have scipture to show them about this also.

Anonymous said...

Holding grudges based on what I've heard others have said about me used to trip me up a lot. Fortunately, I've learned to follow this advice most of the time. Every once in awhile I still let things people say get to me. It's so much better to live free and be able to relate to others who've maligned you verbally as if they never said anything offensive. After all, I have had days when I wasn't where I should be spiritually and emotionally and have said negative things about people I truly care for (like my husband). I wouldn't want him relating to me on the basis of a bad attitude I had at a particular moment in time. This verse gives very wise advice.