Saturday, June 10, 2006

Title: Making Plans / Topic: Strategy

Today’s Reading: Song of Solomon 1; Song of Solomon 2; Song of Solomon 3; Song of Solomon 4; Ephesians 6

Scripture: Ephesians 6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

Observation: Someone is making plans for your life. The first of the Four Spiritual Laws tells us that "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life." But God is not the only one who has a plan for your life. Here, Paul tells us that the devil is also making plans, "schemes," as he refers to them. I picture Satan, rubbing his hands as he considers what devilish evil to bring my way.

Application: Because of this, we need to make plans to stand and to succeed. It is most unwise to just "go with the flow". Satan is making plans, and so must we. We must plan to serve God every day. We must plan to discipline our lives to include time spent in Bible reading and study, prayer and meditation, thanksgiving and worship, fellowship and sharing, and listening to God. We must set Godly goals for every area of our lives and work toward them relentlessly. If we are advancing -- moving forward positively and continuously -- our enemy will have a very difficult time working his schemes against us. Remember, it's hard to hit a moving target. Are you a moving target? Are you moving forward daily in Jesus?

Prayer: Lord, help us to outsmart the enemy by keeping pace with the Spirit and staying strong and growing. May we exercise our faith and be on the offense so as to be a threat and not a target for our enemy. Help us to hear Your will clearly and set our goals accordingly.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Anonymous said...

We won't survive very well in this world without putting on the full armor of God and being proactive against a cruel enemy. However, the other reading today in Song of Solomon is motivating and comforting to me. When I realize how passionately God loves me (a fact that I need to be reminded of) it gives me hope and determination to "fight the good fight".

Mike Stipech said...

Yes, the Song of Solomon reading is very passionate. The idea of God using romantic poetic writing to relate His affection for us is a bit strange, but wonderful.