Thursday, September 07, 2006

Title: Unstoppable / Topic: Courage

Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 36; Jeremiah 40; Jeremiah 41; Revelation 12

Scripture: Revelation 12:11
They overcame him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.

Observation: This powerful description of courageous disciples of Jesus Christ is inspiring. These are overcoming individuals of great personal character and daring. And like their Lord, they suffer, some even to the point of death. And like Jesus, they do not consider death to be the worst thing that could happen to them. They know that worse than death would be to succumb to the pressure and turn away from the Lord. Notice that their overcoming "tools" are "the blood of the Lamb" (which has implications for our salvation, cleansing, and communion with Jesus in His death), and "the word of their testimony" (which communicates a bold, unyielding declaration of who they are because of Jesus). They are unstoppable, and even though some are killed, they overcome the enemy. Death is not losing. It can be a gateway to victory.

Application: Oh to be like these. And in truth, some of us may be called to do just that for this is a prophecy of a time yet to come.

Prayer: Lord, ready me and all Your people to stand strong. This world does not accept the bright light of truth and those who dare to live radically in that kind of light face nearly constant rejection and even confrontation. The days will grow darker and "the love of most will grow cold." Enable me to stand strong, and overcome the enemy of my soul.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Cynthia Stipech said...

Every time I read these veerses it makes me pray the same kind of prayer you did. I know my own propensity for weakness, so I pray for strength and courage, but I do trust Jesus to keep that which I've committed (my life) unto Him against that Day. He gave a promise that no one could take His sheep from His hand. Amen! And I don't plan on leaving on my own. There are definitely things worse than death. We read in Revelation about what some of those things are and they happen to the other guys. I'll take martyrdom over that!

Anonymous said...

Mike: A Chinese pastor said that they read the book of Revelation different in China during the years of trouble than we do in the west. He said that we focus on the timing of events and who will escape what. They focus on "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of their Testimony" and "To Him who overcomes I will give the crown of life." I think they have it right. Overcoming really is the theme of this book.