Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Title: The Writing On My Wall / Topic: Hearing From God

Today’s Reading: Daniel 5; Daniel 6; Psalm 130; Luke 3

Scripture: Daniel 5:24-26
24 "...[God] sent the hand that wrote the inscription.
25 "This is the inscription that was written:
Mene , Mene , Tekel , Parsin
26 "This is what these words mean..."

Observation: God sent a hand to write on the wall to tell King Belshazzar what He thought of him. For Belshazzar, this was terrifying and the message grim and foreboding. As I read about this experience, I had this thought: if God wanted to write on my wall to tell me what He thinks of me, what would it say? Would it be good news or bad news? I think it would be mostly good news. (I often have a sense in my spirit (usually during intimate times of worship) that God is pleased with me.) But, there could likely also be some words of correction, disappointment, maybe even rebuke.

Application: I need to be giving more thoughtful consideration to what God would say, and then purpose to actually look for the writing on the wall and listen for His voice. I think God does communicate to me directly more than I know. He is sending more than I am receiving. I think I don't tune in sometimes because I mainly expect judgment from God, and I forget that, as my Father, He also wants to give me praise, encouragement, and comfort. That sounds odd to say that God wants to give me praise, but I think it's true. I know I like to praise my own children and grandchildren -- and they don't have to be perfect for me to want to praise them. I believe God is the same with me.

Prayer: So, Father, help me to read the writing on my wall. Help me to hear Your voice, to know just what it is that You think of me. I want and need to know. And I want to please You and make You proud of me. You are my Father. Thank You for adopting me as Your own child. Help me to stop striving to be perfect and to rest in Your encouraging and nurturing love.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Cynthia Stipech said...

Amen. Parents are very pleased when they know that the heart of their child wants to please them, even if at times they don't succeed. I believe if the desire of my heart is to love God and please him, he will have joy as my Heavenly Father. I know I have that joy in my own kids when I know they desire to please me (not in the sense of being a servant to my wishes but in the sense of wanting to honor the values I raised them with and to show gratitude for my love for them).

Anonymous said...

Excellent post today.

Thanks Mike for allowing God to use you as a mouthpiece. Your choices normally give me more than a moments pause, and occasionally (more than I am comfortable admitting) make me squirm just a bit. Until I get my reciever fine tuned, I look forward to His words of encouragement, chastisment and grace spoken through you and others with maturity in their walks.