Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Title: A Descendant Of Who? Topic: Legacy

Today’s Reading: Ezra 5; Ezra 6; Psalm 138; Luke 16

Scripture: Ezra 6:4 So the elders of the Jews continued to build and prosper under the preaching of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah, a descendant of Iddo...

Observation: I notice that here (and in 5:1) Zechariah is identified as "a descendant of Iddo". I don't know who Iddo was -- I never heard of him before. But he must have been a person who made an impact because Zechariah is claiming him as one of his ancestors. Maybe Iddo was his grandfather or great grandfather or great great grandfather -- we aren't told. As far as I know, Iddo doesn't have any prominence in the famous Bible stories. (I don't know about you but I sure don't remember Iddo in the lion's den or Iddo and Goliath!) But even so, Iddo made an impact with his life which still mattered in Zechariah's day. I don't know if Iddo felt significant or insignificant. I do know that his life left an imprint for generations that followed. They wanted it to be known that they were "a descendant of Iddo."

Application: Every life has the potential to make a lasting impact. Whether renown or unknown, I can make an impact for those who follow me -- maybe for all eternity.
A small example of this: When my daughter and sons were in Jr. High and High School, they used to get a certain extra attention at camps and conferences when people found out that they were my kids. "You're Mike Stipech's kid?" When they said "yes" they got a little extra preference because of the people that loved me. They thought it was cool to be "Mike Stipech's kid."
Well I want to live all of my life with such earnestness and godliness that those who follow will want to claim me as a part of their lineage. I want to make all the difference I can here and now, so that whether it's widely recognized, or seen by just a few, those whose lives I touch to carry a lasting residue of blessing that they are happy to claim.

Prayer: Lord, I thank You for including Iddo's name to remind us that not all of us will be a Zechariah, or a Daniel, or a David. But we can all be an Iddo. Help us to take whatever it is You have called us to do and do it with an eye to the eternal impact. Give us Your vision and Your power to make it happen.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

1 comment:

Cynthia Stipech said...

I love the fact that God shows the importance he places on individuals by placing many "unknown" names in the Bible (look at all the genealogies). God sees our impact even when others have long forgotten us.