Monday, February 19, 2007

Title: Stick With The Victor / Topic: God's Ultimate Victory

Today’s Reading: Numbers 5; Numbers 6; Psalm 22; Acts 26

Scripture: Psalm 22:28 for dominion belongs to the LORD and he rules over the nations.

Observation: Psalm 22 is a prophetic psalm. In it, David foretells the suffering of coming messiah in crucifixion. In the latter part of the Psalm, it speaks of the end times. Verse 28 foretells of that time in world history with God once again rules as sovereign on this planet, for in the present age, a usurper has taken rulership. ("We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one." 1 John 5:19) But there is coming a day when God will defeat Satan once and for all and will establish an everlasting and righteous kingdom on this earth.

Application: Don't lose faith. We live in a world under the control of force of wickedness. Things will get worse before they get better, but even in the midst of difficulties, God is with us. And we know that, in the final analysis, righteousness triumphs -- God wins. So I choose to take my stand with Him no matter what.

Prayer: Thank You Lord that we can have confidence in Your ultimate victory. Thank You that You stand with us through whatever trials and tribulations that life can through at us. And thank You that we don't have to simply suffer through life -- no, we can be joyful even in the middle of tough times. May we live in this unstoppable and powerful kind of joyful, resilient life.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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