Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Title: Living A Lie / Topic: False Faith

Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 7, 8, 9; John 13

Scripture: Jeremiah 7:4-8
4 Do not trust in deceptive words and say, "This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD! 5 If you really change your ways and your actions and deal with each other justly, 6 if you do not oppress the alien, the fatherless or the widow and do not shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not follow other gods to your own harm, 7 then I will let you live in this place, in the land I gave your forefathers for ever and ever. 8 But look, you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless.

Observation: "Trusting in deceptive words" -- that's what the Lord says to the people. How does he define these words? He gives an example: "This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD!" This reminds me of the chorus of a worship song. Saying (or singing) spiritual-sounding words or participating in a spiritual activity is not what God is looking for. He wants lives that reflect His character. He tells the people (that's us) that they must "change your ways and your actions" and that this will be demonstrated by honesty, and kindness, and holiness. If they will do these things, they will reflect his character and gain a standing before God. As He says in chapter 9, verse 24: "but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight."

Application: Knowing and pleasing the Lord will result in a changed life. God doesn't want only words or songs -- he wants my ways and actions to reflect His character: kindness, justice, and righteousness. If I fail to conform my life to these characteristics, then I am living a lie and trusting in "deceptive words." If I change my ways and my actions to these Godly characteristics, then God is pleased with me as He says, "for in these I delight."

Bottom Line: Live for God. If my faith doesn't translate into treating others with Godly kindness, justice, and righteousness, then my faith isn't real, as far as God is concerned.

Prayer: Lord, help me to keep it real. Show me where I am failing, or where I need work. I want to please You always.

This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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