Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday Morning Prelims

Good morning! It's Sunday and I am finishing my preparations for our gathering at Fountainhead. I will be doing my devotional journaling after church today but I wanted to greet you before church and encourage you to be there. Regular attendance at church is one of the basic building blocks of a sound Christian life. So go to church. Go regularly. Go expectantly. Go to serve. Go to be a blessing. And go to receive.

See you at church.
Pastor Mike


Anonymous said...

Mike, I won't be there...sorry. I guess my commitment level is lacking. Cheers my friend. (Mike Phillips

Anonymous said...

Lord I thank you that Mike is seeking God's face by reading the word of God on Pastor Mike's Blog. Lord I pray a hedge of protection around Mike as he struggles with his commitment level. Lord I pray that he comes to know the full joy we find when we find smiling faces at church; when we find others like ourselves who are suffering in the natural. Lord we all have hurts hang ups and habits, but healing comes when we admit our shortcomings one to the other and seek the word of God for understanding and healing. Lord I pray that you call to his remembrance the pure glory he feels when he is standing in your sanctuary praising you. I pray you call to remembrance the strong presence of the Holy Spirit that flows through Fountainhead. Lord I pray that he would hunger to be in your presence. Lord I pray that you comfort Mike and give him Jesus name, Amen

Mike Stipech said...

Dear Mike Phillips,
Hey, I was so surprised and disappointed that you were not planning to attend Fountainhead this morning, especially since you are the Senior Pastor of Gateway Fellowship in Natomas! Hey Bro, very funny!

(But you had anonymous quite worried.)

Dear Anonymous, thank you for your sweet concern, but Pastor Mike Phillips' excuse for not attending Fountainhead this morning is acceptable. (He is a funny guy -- and a good pastor.) ;)