Monday, November 06, 2006

Title: A Tale Of Two Sons / Topic: Internal Struggle

Today’s Reading: Job 30; Psalm 120; Galatians 3; Galatians 4

Scripture: Galatians 4:29 At that time the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now.

Observation: Paul is explaining something important to the Galatians. There is an internal struggle that most Christians deal with. Paul uses a tale of two sons to make it clear. There are two sons: one from a slave woman and one from a free woman. As a seeker of God, before Christ, a person was automatically a son of the slave woman. But since Christ, the true way to follow God is as the son of the free woman. But Paul explains that we have a choice: it is possible to go back and embrace the slave heritage. The only problem is, in doing this, I cannot have true salvation since the slave heritage is based on my own ability which rejects God's provision that brings salvation. Only in remaining free do I confirm my standing in God's grace through Jesus that truly brings salvation.

Application: There is a tendency, a constant pull of my sin nature, to want to get at least a little credit for spiritual progress in my life. It is one of the most insidious lies of my sin nature. It is dangerous because it can appear good -- after all, it is about seeking God. But it is not at all good because it promotes the idea that my personal efforts (apart from God) have the potential of making me a better God person. It is saying this: "My flesh (my sin nature) can help make me a less fleshly person." Of course, this is a lie. But our sin nature is very crafty and would like to sneak in and become a part of the process of sanctification because it hates being left out. No glory in that! But if I allow my flesh to get a toe in the door, I corrupt the process and now lies and self deception have polluted the environment of spiritual growth.

Bottom line: I must resist the tendencies of my sin nature to participate in spiritual growth. It is by grace I am saved (and being saved) and that is not of any personal works, lest any part of me should become proud and boastful. My flesh is not redeemable. I must do what Jesus said: "Take up your cross daily and follow me." (Any kind of pride in spiritual progress is a tip-off of trouble.)

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You, Lord that You provided the way for me to come to You (through grace by faith in Jesus), and the way for me to grow in You (through grace by faith in Jesus). Help me to continue in Your grace and give me insight to see any deviation from it. Assist me to keep my flesh out of the arena of spiritual growth so that my walk with You can be pure and without pollution. I want to grow in Your grace.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Cynthia Stipech said...

I think Paul used the "two sons" to illustrate not only an internal struggle but also the struggle between two groups of people. One group follows the spirit (the son of promise) the other follows the flesh (the son born in the natural way). And the people of the world (flesh) will always persecute the people of the spirit (the church). He was teaching them about themselves and adjuring them to finish their walk with God the way they started it (in the spirit, not in the flesh) but he is also warning them about people (false teachers) who try to lead them astray from the truth (teachers of the flesh). I think both applications are important.

Mike Stipech said...

True enough, Cynthia. I was just sharing what hit me personally. Thanks for your comment.