Today’s Reading: Revelation 5; Revelation 6; Revelation 7; Revelation 8; Revelation 9
Scripture: Revelation 6:15-17
15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17 For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"
Observation: This follows an intense, catastrophic earthquake that displaces islands and results in a blocking of sun and stars. The reaction of the powerful people of the world is to cower in fear. Prior to this, they had wielded great political power and influence, but when the judgment of God falls, their power amounts to nothing and they can do nothing but hide in fear. They even acknowledge that it is God who is afflicting them.
Application: There is coming a day when the power of God will supplant all the power of man. It is in that day that those who have trusted in the Lord will be vindicated and rewarded. Today, it may seem that those who put God first are fools are are missing out on the benefits that this world has to offer. But the reality is that in the end, putting God first is the only thing that will result in true and lasting benefits.
Bottom line: Keep putting God first. Keep your eyes on the ultimate and not on the immediate.
Prayer: I ask You, Father, to help Your people get and maintain an eternal perspective. It is so easy to fall prey to the here and now and to miss the reality of eternity. Lord, help us to pay the price of serving You today so that we may receive our reward with You in eternity. I thank You that You are smarter than the smartest human and that Your plans and strategies will stand and will prevail. May I be a part of it.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
1 comment:
It's so hard to keep balance in our lives; to balance the concern of the "here and now" with focus on the "sweet by and by". We are to "occupy" till Jesus comes but not get caught up in the pursuits of this life asw though they were the most important things. Help us to maintain that balance, Lord.
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