Monday, January 08, 2007

Title: Use It Or Lose It / Topic: Spirituality

Today’s Reading: Genesis 20; Genesis 21; Genesis 22; Luke 8

Scripture: Luke 8:8, 18
8 ...When he said this, he called out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
18 "Therefore consider carefully how you listen. Whoever has will be given more; whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has will be taken from him."

Observation/Application: Hearing is a key to spiritual success. But hearing is much more than just having the words enter into my ears. It means having the ideas penetrate my heart. If I just let the words come into my ears without implementing the ideas and truths in my life, then I will end up being spiritually empty. Jesus tells me that my will is a key in my spiritual journey. I must intentionally and willfully apply my heart to what I am hearing. And Jesus includes a choice and a warning. Use it or lose it. If I use what I have learned, I will get more. If I fail to use it, it will be taken from me.

Prayer: Lord, help me to implement everything You have given me. I want to be all that I can with what You have blessed me with.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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