Saturday, April 22, 2006

Title: A Boy Named Fool / Topic: The Power of Names

Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 25; 1 Samuel 26; Psalm 63; Matthew 9

Scripture: 1 Samuel 25:25 May my lord pay no attention to that wicked man Nabal. He is just like his name — his name is Fool, and folly goes with him...

Observation: It doesn't sound very nice. A woman is describing her husband and she says, "He is just like his name - his name is Fool!" But Abagail said that to save the life of her husband who indeed was a fool. Apparently his name, Nabal, means "fool". Now I don't know why a parent would name a child "Fool." Maybe it was a joke. Or maybe they were mad or in a bad mood. But names have power. And God gave people the power to name things. Adam was given the power to name the animals. Parents are given the right to name their children. Unfortunately, some people don't do their children any favors with the names they give them. (Last June famous comic/magician Penn Jillette, of Penn and Teller fame, and his wife Emily gave their firstborn child the name Moxie CrimeFighter Jillette. That's right: first name, Moxie; middle name, CrimeFighter; last name, Jillette. "Thanks a lot, mom and dad!")

Application: What we call people matters. Not just the names, but the descriptive words as well. If a child is told, "you're stupid" or "you're ugly" or "you were an accident," those hurtful words will have a negative effect on that child. When we jokingly call someone a loser or a fool, we are speaking something negative into their life which can bring about negative results. Bottom line: be careful about the words you use regarding others. Be positive and loving. Be encouraging. If you can't say something good, then think a little harder because I know that there's almost always a way to say something good. Let's look for that and say it and use our words to bless and encourage one another.

Prayer: Lord, may I be used of You to make a positive impact on those you bring into my life. May I offer words of life, hope, and encouragement, to all I meet. Make me a plus in the lives of those around me.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Anonymous said...

There was a Spanish Conquistador whose last name was "Cabeza de Vaca" (Cow's head). Now, can you imagine introducing yourself with that last name?. However, in Nabal's case I say: "A fool by any other name is still a fool," to borrow from William Shakespeare's line.

Anonymous said...

The Bible is full of verses that speak of the power of our words. James says in his epistle that a man who has control of his tongue has become perfect. Words are used to plant lies that we believe and that become negative strongholds in our lives and they are also used to teach us truth that will set us free. Iwant to be "perfect" in the control of my tongue-- I've got a long way to go. Cynthia Stipech