Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Title: I'll Take Mine To Go / Topic: Eternal Rewards

Today’s Reading: 1 Samuel 22; Psalm 17; Psalm 35; Matthew 6

Scripture: Psalm 17:14 O LORD, by your hand save me from such men, from men of this world whose reward is in this life.

Observation: David understood that true fulfillment is not to be found in this life. We can experience a degree of blessing (and certainly our relationship with the Lord can be truly great) but all of what we experience here pales in comparison to the fullness to be received in the hereafter. The people who believe that their reward is here live for today, striving for fame and fortune, power and pleasure. And to them, the ends justify the means.

Application: But for us, the goal is our eternal reward to be received from God. Therefore, we aren't surprised if everything isn't peaches and cream here. When opposition or hardship confront us, we expect them and we look past the immediate to the ultimate. We hang in there because there is a greater reward coming. Understanding this truth is essential to glad endurance of the testings and trials of this life and for loving and forgiving those who misuse and mistreat us. We have something so much greater to look forward to. Be joyful.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord that You have created a system that those who love You and follow You can be assured that the greatest things are yet to come. You are paying attention to what is going on and You will bring the consequences of every person's life - rewards and punishments - to them. Lord, help me to lay up for myself treasures in heaven - and help me to use the treasures You give me here to bless others and further Your good purposes for this planet.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Cynthia Stipech said...

It's interesting that in the same Psalm, in the verses just after those quoted at the top of your blog, David says of God,"You still the hunger of those You cherish; their sons have plenty, and they sore up wealth for their children." v. 14b. Apparently, God LOVES to bless his children with material blessings IF their focus is on Him as a priority and not focused on "getting stuff" as much as they can in this life. There's nothing wrong with money or "things" as long as the Lord is our priority. It's not money that's evil, it's the LOVE of money that is the root of an evil character. As long as our minds are focused on the rewards of Heaven, God promises all our needs here will be met aned met abundantly. These sentiments are echoed again by Jesus in the New Testament reading for today.

Anonymous said...

Psalms 17 and 35 show David's great dependency and love for the Lord. His victories over his enemies did not depend on his own strength but on the Lord's strength. David was a blessed man not because he never failed, as those of us who study the word of God well know, but because of his close relationship with God on whom he fully depended.