Today’s Reading: 2 Kings 24; Jeremiah 22; Psalm 112; John 18
Scripture: 2 Kings 24:20 It was because of the LORD's anger that all this happened to Jerusalem and Judah, and in the end he thrust them from his presence. [emphasis added]
Observation: God gave so many chances to His people -- both to Israel and Judah -- to repent and come back to Him. But again and again they went back to their sinful ways, rejecting God and rebelling against Him. But there is an end to opportunities to repent. There is a time when the chance that was just missed is the last chance of all!
Application: It is a frightening thought to have just missed the last opportunity to turn to God. But that will happen. There will be those who, rejecting God, will not have another chance to get back to Him and receive forgiveness and the opportunity for salvation.
Bottom line: Don't wait. If there is something that you know you need to get right with God, do it now! The time is coming when your time will be up and it will be too late.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your mercy that delays judgment so that as many people as possible can come into Your kingdom. Lord, please send a wave of revival across our land. We so need it. Too many people are lost and we need the tide to turn. Send revival I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
AMEN! Our world needs You Lord. Turn hearts toward You. Clean us up first Lord. Bring repentance to the Church; we don't represent You well sometimes. And use us to help in the harvest. Send us forth in Your resurrection power.
We deny God just as Peter denied Jesus. We do this in our ways of being, our thoughts and actions. Even if it is not intentional it is still denial, because in our hearts we know better. Be thankful that our God is a forgiving God. It is too bad that the Kings of Israel did not have a savior as we do. I just thank God for Jesus because my denials are daily and without him I would be doomed.
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