- NOTE: This post is a recreation of one that was lost due to a blogger.com technical problem. I have done my best to convey the gist of what I posted originally.
Today’s Reading: Job 26; Job 27; Mark 15; Mark 16
Scripture: Mark 16:20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
Observation: I love this verse and the idea that God gave a supernatural stamp of approval to validate the message of the disciples: He sent miracles.
Application: Boy, we need these today. Some say we don't need the accompanying miracles because we have the completed Bible. But I think that is stupid. If somebody doesn't believe the Bible (and there are more all the time who don't), then giving them Bible verses to prove God is pointless. But if they or someone they know is healed, really healed, then it would be hard for them to deny the God of the Bible. I want to see the real dramatic miracles: we have plenty of blind, deaf, mute, and lame people around who could use God's touch. And the world could use the testimony of God's power -- and so could the church.
Prayer: Lord, send the miracles to testify of the validity of the Gospel message. Send Your power Lord -- give us miracles so many can repent and find You.
This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
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